The repair process what happens next:
Right to Choose
You have the right to choose a Vehicle Body Repairer to undertake repairs to your car. An insurance company may recommend their approved repairs however you're always free to choose any repairer and you don’t have to use your insurer's recommendation. It’s your decision and Insurers must meet all reasonable costs of repairs.
Standards for Repairs
Kellihers Crash Repair are members of the accredited CSS (Certified Steel Standard) is the Irish National Standard programme for the structural repair of accident damaged cars created by SIMI, (the Society of the Irish Motor Industry).
CSS ensures
- The craftsmen carrying out the repairs have the appropriate qualifications.
- Ensuring that every aspect of the job is recorded and traceable.
- Ensuring the vehicle body repairer has all of the tools and equipment to carry to out the repair correctly.
- Ensuring that customers are satisfied with the work done and they have somebody to help if there is a shortcoming with the repair.
If your vehicle has to be towed away contact an SIMI Vehicle Recovery Operator or your insurance company may arrange recovery.
Schedule an inspection for an estimate
The damaged to your vehicle needs to be inspected to determine the cost of repairs. In some cases the insurance company may send out an assessor depending on the level of damage or the repairer will submit an estimate of the work to the insurance company for approval. Vehicle Body Repairers will assist customers with the paper work required to submit a claim to an insurance company.
Speak with your claim handler
Your insurance company's claim handler will review all the information to help determine fault and then provide a cost estimate. Check the excess you have to pay yourself on your policy the amount varies.
Get your Car Repairer
Once your claim has been filed, coverage determined, your insurer will process your claim and will confirm if you are covered so you can consent to have your car repaired.